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O Light Divine

Dedicated to and premiered by the Eastman/Christ Church Schola Cantorum in Rochester, NY. Stephen Kennedy, director.

ca. 5'

SATB div. with organ

O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright

Philipp Nicolai, tr. Catherine Winkworth


O Morning Star, how fair and bright,

your beam shines forth in truth and light!

My Sovereign meek and lowly!

You are holy,

great and glorious, all-victorious,

Rich in blessing,

rule and might o'er all possessing.

O Holy Spirit, Enter In

Michael Schirmer, tr. Catherine Winkworth


O Holy Spirit, enter in,

and in our hearts your work begin,

and make our hearts your dwelling.

Sun of the soul, O Light divine,

around and in us brightly shine,

your strength in us upwelling.

In your radiance life from heaven

now is given overflowing,

gift of gifts beyond all knowing.

The possibility of using both of the above hymn texts was explored during the creation of this piece. For example, the theme in m. 23 was first set to the words “O Morning star, how fair and bright” (from the hymn of the same name), and  m. 49 was first conceived to the words “In your radiance” (from O Holy Spirit, enter in). As such, full license is given to each performance as to how best navigate the two texts. One could perform the entire piece with just one of the two hymns or use a combination of both. It is recommended (though not required) to maintain rhymes when combining texts.

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